Lifestyle Newborn Session Tips

What a joy it is to capture you and your little one in this early stage of life! Of course, this time can be overwhelming and with adding a newborn photographer to the mix, it can be hard to keep track of all the details and how to prepare. I created this page with all the information you need to know for your lifestyle newborn session! I hope you find this guide helpful. I look forward to capturing special moments of you and your little one!

When do I book my lifestyle newborn session?

I highly recommend reaching out a few weeks before your little one arrives. This will ensure a spot on my schedule and have everything planned out ahead of time. I recommend booking your newborn session the first month of your newborn's life. This is when they are the still tiny & in that snuggly stage. When your little one is born, and you are settled, I will reach back out and we will book the exact date and time of your session.

Where do these sessions take place?

Lifestyle newborn sessions take place in your home. The comfort of your home is a natural place in this stage of life and I love capturing your little one in this familiar space rather than a studio. In the months when it is nice outdoors, you are welcome to book a backyard session if you would prefer.

What is the timing of my session?

I work around what timing is best for you when booking your session. While for outdoor sessions, I highly recommend a sunset session, indoor session lighting is wonderful in the morning hours (8am-1pm.)

Lifestyle newborn sessions typically last about 60-90 min., but I always allow extra time. There's no need to stress if your baby needs to be fed or is fussy during your session. We take it moment by moment, evaluate the needs of your newborn and capture sweet moments in between.

How do I prepare the space?

The newborn stage is a messy stage of life and I completely understand that. Don't stress about a clean home! I typically use your main room (such as a family room/living room) and a bedroom (either a nursery or your bedroom.) My goal is to use natural light, so we will open up some curtains and let natural light in. Otherwise, let me know if you have a specific space you would like some photos captured.

What do I wear?

Getting everyone dressed and ready is certainly the hardest part about any session! If you are doing a lifestyle newborn session with your whole family, I always suggest that the mom chooses her outfit first and everyone works around that. Choose something you are super comfortable in, regardless if that means sweats or a dress. Anything that is best for you! The only thing that is a no-go is something with many patterns or graphics/words on it. For your newborn, the outfit is completely up to you! If you have a swaddle on hand, that is great for some of the later photos I will capture, along with any hats/headband, blankets, etc. you may want in some photos. *Side note: I do not bring any hats/headbands or swaddles.*

How do I prepare my newborn?

Here are some ideas to prepare your newborn for this time: Warmth=happy little ones. Turning up the temperature a little in your home can help little ones calm down during their sessions. Feeding your baby before your session also can make them sleepier/happier during the time I'll be there, however, if he/she isn't hungry or this timing just doesn't work, don't worry about it!

What is your style of photos? Will you pose us? What about props?

My newborn photography style is less posed and more direction. I will not handle your newborn, but will give you directions and create sweet lifestyle moments. I don't bring props and use what is in your home. I will, however, do a few solo photos of your newborn. For these photos, I typically just use your bed or use is a boppy pillow (or two pillows) with a blanket over top. (I bring a simple and clean white blanket, but would love to use any blankets you may have on hand/prefer using.) I also love using cribs/handmade blankets! Again, all lifestyle images, but I will give you directions & guide you to create priceless captures.

Any other details?

After your session, I will work on editing and creating your gallery. Your gallery will be delivered to your inbox within 2 weeks after your session.

I can't wait to photograph you and your newborn! Remember not to stress about any of this--this type of session is low-key, natural and beautiful. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! Feel free to text me: 610-592-4934.
